Some of the awards Dan has received:
- PASA (Professional Artists In Schools) Life-time Achievement Award
- NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Award) for “The Giggling Dragon”
- Action For Children’s Television Achievement Award for work on The Disney Channel
- Four Time Parent’s Choice Gold Award Winner
- Three Time Parent’s Choice Silver Award Winner
- Children’s Museum Of Denver Favorite Performer Award
- Emmy Nominated Songwriter For The Disney Channel
- Emmy Award winning host of “Songs For Fun” in Miami, Florida
- First Place for “Sing Consonants With Winnie the Pooh For National Educational Film Festival
- Silver Award for “Good Citizenship With Winnie the Pooh” for Houston International Film Festival
- Professional Artists in Schools Awardee from California Alliance For Arts Education
- Award Of Celebration for Enriching Lives from County Of Los Angeles, CA
- Award For Cable Excellence from The National Academy of Cable Programming
- Top Ten CD for Child Magazine
- Top Ten Recording for Children from Good Housekeeping Magazine