Animal Friends
John Wood's cat,Tiger, watching Tiger Woods
Dan Crow's friend, Jerry
My friend, Hobbs, in Bonita Springs, Florida
My friend, Mario The Goose, at The Los Angeles Zoo
All my feline friends at the Blecha Farm in Wray, Colorado
Our Cat Milo
Thumby (pronounced Thumb-Bee)
My Friend Zoe who lives with my manager, Steve Bedeil and his wife Zaida
Nala in Seoul, Korea who lives with Amy
Another Nala. She is the companion of my friends Dick and Lynn in Redondo Beach, California
Terry and Erin's Corgis: Izzy, Rowdy and Lolly in Glenwood Springs, Colorado
My friend Amy's dog Nala with her new friend, Jack Sparrow, in Seoul, Korea
Fred and Lindsay dog, Ruby, in a pensive mood