Three-time Parent’s Choice Gold Award winner Dan Crow presents Concotions, a children’s music album celebrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Upbeat, lighthearted songs about each of these subjects, encouraging young people to learn more about these amazing subjects in school. A lively pop-rock techno mix, including karaoke tracks that can be used to sing along (or make up one’s own lyrics!), Concoctions is a fun-filled blast for both girls and boys. The tracks are “Science Science Science” (3:02), “Technology” (2:58), “You’re An Engineer” (2:49), “Seven” (3:12), “Franklin D. Dime & Abraham Penny” (3:50), Karaoke “Science Science Science” (3:02), Karaoke “Technology” (2:58), Karaoke “You’re an Engineer” (2:49), Karaoke “Seven” (3:12), and Karaoke “Franklin D. Dime & Abraham Penny” (3:50).