I believe in chocolate skies
I believe a turtle flies
I believe a goldfish cries
I believe in make believe
I believe in little gnomes
I believe that clouds have homes
I believe that bees use combs
I believe in make believechorusI believe in make believe
like dragons in the sky
I believe in make believe
give make believe a try
I believe in popcorn stars
I believe that dogs drive cars
I believe in magic jars
I believe in make believe
I believe that I love you
I believe that you should too
I believe that dreams come true
I believe that we believe
chorus and out |
A large and jolly giant
who liked to joke and play
would jump around the countryside
as joyfully he’d say
“I am Jack the Giant and I am very kind
so I shall gently laugh and sing and
hope you do not mind
for though I am so very large,
you must not make a fuss,
and be it strange, I’ll never change
for I’m not dangerous”.
Well the people in the village
were very fond of Jack,
but often in his jumping ’round
he’d step upon a shack.
A cottage now and then would fall
and many times a bridge
and once he squashed a cabbage patch,
by leaping off a ridge.
Then the carriage of the mayor
was toppled to the ground
and dragons in the sky above
could feel his every bound.
Now all his friends were angry
but Jack did not know why,
so he sat out on the edge of town
and there he began to cry.
“Can it be I am so huge
That people are afraid,
or maybe it’s just the way I look
or something that I’ve said?”
Twas then a magic message
appeared before his eyes
and then a pidgeon gliding down
a princess in disguise.”Jack you must not jump about”
he heard the stranger talk
“and do not run nor even hop,
for gentle giants walk”
So Jack returned a happy guy,
rejoicing as he go
and when he felt the urge to jump,
he’d stomp upon his toe
As I walked out this morning
spin spider spin
just as the day was dawning
spin spider spin
I saw a tiny spider
a pretty web begin
I saw him swing from a silver string
spin spider spinAs I came home this evening
spin spider spin
just as the day was leaving
spin spider spin
I saw a tiny spider
a pretty web all done
I saw him swing from a silver string
before the setting sunHe’s not the kind that bites you
spin spider spin
just the kind that delights you
spin spider spin
a tiny harmless spider
the kind that catches flies
so let him swing from a silver string
a pleasure to you eyes
They lick their fur
meow and purr
and when they come back
you wonder where they were
They like to play
and they sleep all day
and a window sill
is where they like to laychorus
Well don’tcha think a cat is just like that?
Don’tcha think a cat’s like that?
They like to stretch
and they like to scratch |
and little mice and birds
are what they like to catch
They’re clean and neat
and they love to eat
and they’re quick and quiet
upon their feetchorusThey may be small and
they be fat
but when they sing it’s cool
‘specially when they scat…..
Scat Cat
Pages that tell you on what page to look
pages and pages inside of a book
Pages of pictures and pages of words
pages ’bout giants and pages ’bout birds
pages that tell you on what page to look
pages and pages inside of a book
A book has cover
and a book can be bound
a book can be lost
and a book can be found
a book has a title |
a book has a name
hardback or paperback,
they’re all just the same
a book’s good for thinkin’
and book makes you laugh
a book can have pictures
of a long neck giraffe
There are books just for children
or just for a cook
but a book without pages,
just can’t be a book
chorus and out
They’re ugly and mean
they’re hairy and green
they’re usually seen at night
they don’t like to sleep
they won’t brush their teeth
and their feet are a terrible sight
and they rarely come out of their holes,
but that’s not the trouble with trolls
The trouble with trolls is they’re bad
the trouble with trolls is they’re mad
the trouble with trolls is they’ve never had
a reason to ever be glad
They’re stocky and strong
they can’t sing a song
they’re more often wrong than smart
the longer they live
the less they forgive
with only a sieve for a heart
and they rarely come out of their holes
but that’s not the trouble with trolls
The trouble with trolls is no style
the trouble with trolls is no smile
the trouble with trolls is that while they
greet you
they would probably much rather
eat you
Who’s that giggling ’round the corner?
Sounds like someone’s having fun
If I say it is a dragon
would you say that I am dumb?
It is a dragon ’round the corner
giggling at the things we say
wonder if it’s mean or friendly
we shall all find out today
Listen to the giggling dragon
whether it be big or small
if you do the things he tells you
all your troubles soon shall fall
The dragon is waggin’ and draggin’ its tail
dragon it all as a joke |
this dragon that’s waggin’ and draggin’ its tail
is draggin’ and gaggin’ on smoke
Children hear the dragon giggle
happy with the sound of joy
if you laugh you’ll surely see it
for it loves each girl and boy boing boing
So open up your ears to listen
and let your eyes pop from your head
and when this story ends in laughter
think of what the dragon said
and listen to the giggling dragon
whether it be big or small
if you do the things it tells you
all your troubles soon shall fall
Little pixies little pixies
llittle pixies in a tree
little pixies little pixies
little pixies pick on me
Little pixies full of mischief
little pixies full of fun
tie a knot in a pony’s tail
they pick on everyone
chorus |
They often wear a little bell
of course they’re very small
they play along the river’s edge
and dance and have a ball
Little pixies like to tease you
but they can bring you luck
there even was a famous one
a pixie name of Puckchorus and out
Nolan the Gnome
he’s coming home
he’s been away so long
Nolan the Gnome
when he gets home
he’ll bring a brand new song
Big trees big seas
the world is full of these
big rocks and big flocks
of birds and beetles and bees
Nolan the Gnome
he’s coming home |
he’ll have a song to sing
Nolan the Gnome
when he gets home
this is the song he’ll sing
Nolan the Gnome
he’s coming home
we’re gonna have some fun
Nolan the Gnome
when he gets home
we’ll all sing the song he’s sung
Chorus and out
Deep in drift of new fallen snow
under and old oak tree
is a door to a den of a dwarf named Dan
who stands on his head to seeThe Dawn came along thru the woods one day
a discovered an open door
and just inside to the Dawn’s surprise
was Dan on his head on the floor
And it dawns on me that the dawn you see
is the dawn of a new way to say hey hey
“Dwarf” said the Dawn “you’re upside down,
do you need a hand to stand?” |
“no indeed, I do this to see, do you understand?”
said Dan”The den was dark” the Dawn spoke up
“before I stepped inside,
in the light it is said you can stand up instead
and see if you only tried”
So the dwarf did rise and covered his eyes
at the sight of the Dawn at his door
and as he jumped to his feet
the dawn he did see was the dawn
he would see everymore
Chorus and out
fly to a star
every where we arechorus
it’s so easy to pretend
is a joy I recommend
It’s always there inside us
and it’s been there very long
it’s also in the music
when we’re making up a song
we use it in the words we write
and what we paint and draw
a very special present to us all
chorus |
We have to learn to use it
’cause it’s there for having fun
you see it in the way we use the power of the sun
creative people use it when they’re making a cartoon
it also hepled us travel to the moonchorus
We use imagination when we’re making a dessert
we use imagination when we’re sewing up a shirt
we use imagination when we’re carving up a stone
we even use talking on the phonechorus
Pretend to be a giant or a dragon or an elf
a good imagination helps you also be yourself
pretend to be a whale that is swimming in the sea
it lets you be the best that you can be.
chorus and out |